• The online printing house of Sprint Copy
  • Sustainable printing
  • Own production since 1975
  • Extensive file checking

Questions? +34 934 46 39 00

Monday till Friday: 09AM - 06PM

Privacy policy

Your privacy comes first

INKO bv is an inspiring place where craftsmanship, passion, creativity and quite a bit of ink flow together. To ensure that you can get started with our online printing platform as easily as possible, we also use your personal data and cookies. Of course, nothing happens without your consent. Therefore: a few words of explanation, for the sake of your privacy.


First and last name
To address you personally and to be able to put your orders in your name.

Address and city
For our delivery staff, so they can ring the bell with your order at the right place.

Phone number
If you have any questions about an order, it's helpful if we can reach you as soon as possible.

Payment details
You pay for your orders via Mollie's secure payment environment. If the payment is successful, we will be informed immediately. Did you choose to pay afterwards? Then we will not store any payment details.

IP address
Safety first: your IP address is used to secure your INKO account.

E-mail address
Your e-mail address is useful for communicating about your orders, for invoicing and contacting customer service. Have you indicated that you would like to receive promotions and news? Then you will also receive these by e-mail. In addition, your e-mail address has a security function: you can use it to log in and recover your password.


Customer service
Do you have any questions? You can call us, e-mail us, chat with us or send us a message via social media. We make notes of all these conversations, so that you don't have to tell your story twice. We also analyse all calls so that we can continue to optimise our assistance channels. Sometimes, for example, we record a telephone conversation and use it as training material. If this is the case, we will certainly let you know in advance.

My Account
When you place an order, your contact details are displayed so that you do not have to fill them in every time. You can choose which contact details to save in your INKO address book.

Order history
All orders you place are linked to your account. So you can keep a good overview at all times. This is something our customer service will also be grateful for, if you have a question about an order.

Commercial mailings
Would you like to stay informed about special offers and news? Then you will receive our newsletters in your mailbox, if you have indicated so. Have you changed your mind after a while? Then you can easily unsubscribe via the link at the bottom of the mailing.

We like to learn from our mistakes: if there has ever been a complaint, then we keep it, together with the treatment of it. In this way, we can find out where certain actions get stuck or why you cannot find certain information quickly enough. On the basis of these conclusions, we then make adjustments, so that our service only gets better.

Fraud prevention
In order to prevent fraud, it may be necessary to check customer details, such as a delivery address.

Business customers and partner programme
We also store the details of companies and their contacts. Naturally, we treat them with the same care as the personal data of private individuals.



1. Are you a customer or supplier of INKO?

Within the framework of INKO's customer-supplier management, the following data of you as a customer may be processed:

  • Name and contact details
  • E-mail address
  • Date of birth/age
  • Purchase history
  • Bank account number

The name and contact details and the e-mail address are kept for invoicing purposes. These data are kept because of a legal obligation. They will be kept for the period required for INKO to fulfil its tax and accounting obligations.

The processing of the above data is also required for our relationship management. These data are necessary for the execution of the agreements with our customers or suppliers. The data of the customers or suppliers in the context of relationship management will be kept for the statutory limitation period for any claims that may arise from the agreements with the customer or supplier.

2. You have contacted INKO via the contact form on our website?

In response to notifications via the contact form, the following data may be processed:

  • Name and contact details
  • E-mail address
  • Date of birth/age
  • Telephone or mobile phone number
  • Various other information provided voluntarily by the person concerned (e.g. bank account number, ...)

These data are processed for the purpose of following up communications via our website. The processing is based on the consent of the person concerned.

The permission for processing may be withdrawn at any time. To do so, the person concerned must expressly notify INKO. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal by the data subject.

The data obtained via the contact form on the website will be kept for a period of one year.

3. You have contacted INKO with a view to obtaining a price quotation?

In response to requests for quotations, the following data may be processed:

  • Name and contact details
  • E-mail address
  • Date of birth/age
  • Telephone or mobile phone number
  • Various other data provided voluntarily by the person concerned (e.g. bank account number, ...)

These data are processed with a view to following up requests for quotations. The processing takes place on the basis of the execution of a contract.

Data obtained via the contact form on the website will be kept for the period required for INKO to fulfil all its contractual and statutory obligations.

4. You visited our website?

When visiting the INKO website, cookies may be saved which may contain the following information:

  • IP address
  • Geographical data
  • Area of interest
  • Age category
  • Gender
  • Website visitor information (frequency, navigation flow)

This data is collected in order to be able to offer visitors to our website a customised solution and/or targeted services. This data is collected with the permission of the contact person.

This data is stored for a period of 6 months.

More information about the use of cookies on our website can be found in INKO's cookie policy.



We will not keep your data longer than necessary. That is, as long as we are working on an order for you. After that, we will keep everything for a short time in case you pass on an additional order at short notice. Recorded telephone calls will be deleted after 30 days.

We handle your personal data with the utmost care so that you can order safely. That is why we have taken as many appropriate security measures as possible, such as encryption through an SSL-layer.



Share your personal data with third parties? We never do, apart from a few exceptions, if we really have to. For example, we may need to pass your details on to suppliers in order to complete your order.

Do you live outside the Economic European Area (EEA), but are you placing an order? If so, we may need to pass your details on to a supplier outside the EEA. In this case, we will formally agree that these suppliers guarantee a level of processing in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and have put in place the appropriate security measures.

We also rely on Mailchimp for the processing of automatically sent e-mails and Innomedio for the hosting, construction and security of our website. Mailchimp and Innomedio process your data in a completely secure way according to our instructions and under our supervision. If necessary, we also provide for the conclusion of processing agreements.



You have the first and last say about your personal data. Would you like to know what information we store? Then you can ask at any time. Would you like to make changes or have information partially or completely removed? You decide, we will do the necessary.

You will always receive the following information from us when we process your personal data:

  • which personal details INKO bv has of you
  • what we use them for
  • to whom your personal data may have been passed on
  • how we obtained them

Do you want to see the personal details we have stored, or have them corrected or deleted? Send an e-mail with a copy of your identity document to hello@inkoprint.be. We will respond as quickly as possible - at least within four weeks.


You also have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority (DPA) at the following addresses:

Data Protection Authority
35, Rue de la Presse
1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
+32 (0)2 274 48 35


This is without prejudice to a remedy before a civil court.

If you should suffer damage as a result of the processing of your personal data, you can lodge a claim for compensation.



You have the right to be informed at any time, free of charge, about your personal data and our use of it. You have the right to request us to correct, add to or delete your personal data. You may also request to limit the processing of your Personal Data in a number of cases listed in the GDPR. You have the right to oppose the processing of your Personal Data if you have serious and legitimate reasons for doing so that exceed our need to process your data. You also have the right to object at any time to the use of Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, even without having to provide a reason for doing so. You have the right to request your Personal Data in digital and readable form and/or to have them transferred to another service provider of your choice. To the extent that our processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent.

You can invoke your rights by sending an e-mail to hello@inkoprint.es or by using the contact form on our website.



We have the right to change this privacy statement at any time. Are there any changes? Then you can read about them on this page.

The last change was made on 23 may 2023.


Sprint Copy
Còrsega, 546
08025 Barcelona

+34 934 463 900


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