• The online printing house of Sprint Copy
  • Sustainable printing
  • Own production since 1975
  • Extensive file checking

Questions? +34 934 46 39 00

Monday till Friday: 09AM - 06PM

Cookie Policy


If you use our website or app, we will place cookies: small files that are stored on the hard drive of your computer, tablet or smartphone to enhance your browsing experience. We distinguish three types: functional, analytical and marketing cookies. The latter we do not use, so you do not have to give permission for them.


These cookies are needed, for example, to log in and place products in your shopping cart. In fact, our website cannot function without them: they make navigation easier and ensure that functions do what is expected of them.


  • Explanation: This cookie remembers your language choice so that you do not have to enter your preference every time.
    Retention: This cookie is deleted after one year.
    Sharing: We do not share your information with third parties.



Everything can be better, including our website. And analytical cookies help us do just that: they teach us how you use our website. Info we then use to constantly optimize our online story.

Google Analytics

  • Explanation: How do you find us on the Internet and how do you use our website? Google Analytics learns that and we use that knowledge to improve our sites. So these cookies provide important data, which are to your benefit.
    Retention: This cookie is deleted after a maximum of 2 years after your last visit.
    Sharing: Google does not share anonymous data with third parties


What is not can still come, but for now we do not use this.


Consented to certain cookies, but changed your mind over time? You can withdraw your agreement to certain cookies at any time and delete them via your browser settings. Please note that only you can delete cookies, as they are stored on your computer or smartphone.


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